Rona & Marit

Scotland + Scandinavia

This episode is the first in a series known as Artist voices, interviews weaving the music, personalities & experiences of global folk musicians from different countries & the issues they face today.

This interview was recorded in Portabello, Scotland (outside Edinburgh) with Rona Wilkie & Marit Fält. I want to thank them most especially for being one of my first interviews & allowing me to conduct this interview before we’d ever met.

All music featured on this episode is performed/arranged & in some cases written by Rona & Marit. It is used in this episode through their kindness & generosity. Please take time to explore their music & various projects.

For more information about Marit & Rona as well as their music, concerts & other various projects, head to To purchase their album Turas, go to:

You can follow Rona & Marit & As The Crow Flies via Facebook or on their website: .

NOTE: I highly encourage listeners to support independent artists by purchasing their music, attending live performances & sharing this episode & information about them with others who might appreciate their work! (Thank you).