Estonia: Tuulikki Bartosik
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Tuulikki Bartosik is an innovative and prominent voice in the Estonian & Nordic music scene. Her newly released single, Robertfors, is available now—signaling both the beginning of a brand new album, to be released in late 2022, and a new era in Tuulikki’s music. Please consider supporting the work of the artist by exploring, sharing and purchasing her music.
I the episode, Tuulikki mentions a few different Estonian languages and cultural traditions. If you would like to explore some of these other regions and traditions, here are a few links:
Setomaa / Seto Singing
Võrumaa / Võru Instituut
Regilaul Singing Tradition
Estonian Bagpipes
Diatonic Accordion
The Estonian Singing Revolution
Kihnu Island
Ruhnuh Island
If you enjoyed this episode, please consider sharing it with friends, supporting my work through Patreon, or subscribing and rating it on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or Stitcher. These days, the only way a podcast can grow is directly through the listeners. Special thanks to the band Enkel for use of the song Taho as our theme song.