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Welcome To The Loom

Welcome to The Loom, a podcast of folktales, myths, legends and lore from around the world, as well as special episodes with guest authors and storytellers...and the odd seasonal musings, thrown in for good measure. To support the growth of this podcast (and be privy to unreleased materials, Q&A’s, video interviews & episodes before they are available to the public, head to Patreon).

This podcasts seeks to remember the intrinsic, inseparable bloodline we share with this vibrant, animate earth and all her creatures, as well as our own capacity for creation and transformation—mythic and mundane. In light of that, it is created for all the seekers, searchers, dreamers, thinkers, tinkerers, wanderers, wonderers; the worried and the weary; the hopeful and the brave; the weird, Wyrd & word-weavers. But most importantly, this podcast is for YOU. For it is a truth, widely known though seldom honored, that everyone has a story to tell—each with ten thousand, thousand variations—and each of our stories snake and weave together, intertwining, to create the whole expanse of human existence…so won’t you stay & listen awhile?